Flow Yoga Power Hour

Your after-work yoga delight
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Don't let your yoga practice stand in the way of having a nice evening of Netflix & chill. Simply roll into this compact flow yoga class straight after work and leave relaxed, refreshed and ready for whatever you have planned – 60 minutes later. Your body and mind will open right back up once you’ve twisted and turned your way through the string of forward-bends, back-bends, twists and balances. This 1-hour yoga class holds enough of a challenge for yogis of all levels.

Our Flow Yoga Power Hour finds its roots in the Sadhana series from Svaha Yoga. This is a set of asanas, developed by Patrick and Gösta to help people improve their self-practice. These Sadhana series are also the basis for our weekly Free Yoga for the Community classes. At the core of each series is one of four distinct sequences derived from the Ashtanga Primary Series. The Ashtanga Primary Series is well-known for its therapeutic qualities: the class strings together yoga poses in a way that they become longer, clearer and more intense.

True to its name, this flow yoga class takes just one hour out of your busy schedule. Promise. Before you can say Namaste, you'll be back in touch with everything that's going on in your body. Not only will your mind and energy flow free again, regular practice in your week will help you overcome stress. Another great side-effect of attending this class on a regular basis: it will help you increase and strengthen your self-practice. Picking up the flow of these one-hour series of asanas will allow you to take your yoga practice with you – wherever you go.

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