This is where your yoga gets serious. Try this one out after at least 3 months of Vinyasa Yoga 1 – Moderate Flow classes. By stringing together more poses in a row, the flows become longer, clearer and more intense. Vinyasa Yoga 2 – Intense Flow is by far our most popular yoga class – it will make you feel everything that’s going on in your body. There’s nothing like an Intense Flow yoga class with Josie or Gösta to eradicate any and all self pity after a night out :-p
Feel like you need even more stretch? Then try out the Vinyasa Yoga 3 – Extreme Flow class. But no pressure – please know that most people happily stick to the Intense Flow yoga class. Please kindly note that this class is also taught at our Jordaan Shala and in our Downtown yoga studio in Amsterdam city center.Where your yoga gets serious
- Susana
Where your yoga gets serious
- Garmt
Where your yoga gets serious
- Susana
Where your yoga gets serious
- Patrick
Where your yoga gets serious
- Hila